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Team Green

Car Simulator

Project Description

This project was inspired by TESLA. Given the alarming price of TESLA cars, we aimed to design a low-budget prototype that could potentially be a competitor to Chevy or Ford. We designed a semi-truck-based car that could mimic the features of a modern-day car such as automatic lights, proximity alerts, blind spot detection, and temperature insights. This was designed using a Wio terminal, 5 external sensors, and 3 buttons. A detailed part list and working principle are listed in the upcoming sections.

Parts List


The project was developed with the following features:

Setup Instructions

The below portrays the image representation for step-by-step connections:

Construction Video

Working Principle

Remote Start

The following images represent the screen from PushSafer.

Passing on the left

Rear end proximity detection

Automatic Lights


Fitting with 3D printed Case

The below image shows various angles for the final fitted vehicle.

Working Video

The final prototype is as below:

The code can be found here